5.4 Programming concepts

In preparation for assembly it is worth knowing about a couple of programming concepts and techniques. When learning programming a lot of guides and schools will try to teach some of these on the sly or have them gradually introduced, this works well for many but here they will be introduced straight up and explained as such. It is certainly not intended to be a programming tutorial (various guides are linked elsewhere for that) but more of enough information to be dangerous and hopefully not impede your endeavours in learning programming.

5.4.1 Functions and procedural programming. Also return oriented programming/ROP

You can try to program a program so it runs from beginning to end but for anything more than a very trivial program or something without any real user input (pretty much the opposite of a game) it helps to be able to make small routines you can feed input into and get a result back from (a function if you will). Most programs then have a core component that runs and defers/branches to others as appropriate. Procedural programming (which most types of assembly programming follow as well as languages like C) and functional programming (a slight tweak on procedural programming) then are both so called programming paradigms.

Now there are hundreds of paradigms and more being made every year, being so many the concept has become something of a running joke in various programming circles.

There are two others of true note as far as hacking is concerned. The first is the other big “normal” programming paradigm which is called “Object oriented programming” (it was probably the main difference between C and C++, both of which were and still are heavily used in game programming, device programming and the low level sides of operating systems) which changes things by making it so that rather than leave things to functions, and even when making functions, you can then merge the data being manipulated and the function you want done on it into one line, this usually makes the code somewhat smaller and a bit easier to manage. This is all mentioned as it influences the resulting assembly language as C and C++ are converted into assembly the compiler.

The second is one that has risen in prominence in recent years and is called return oriented programming (often shortened to ROP), it is very popular with people hacking the PC and other highly secured systems, indeed the 3ds saw several ROP based exploits. The best explanation I have heard ran something like a ransom note is composed of letters that the original author probably had no intention of being used as such, here various fragments of code do appear to be certain otherwise quite valid instructions if you jump (or indeed “return”) to them. Return oriented programming (ab)uses this fact by changing where things return to and in the process constructing a valid program from the nice data that the device expects to be in memory. It gets a lot more in depth, fortunately with it being a new (ish) and exciting technique that does not need fancy hardware it sees many hacker conference presentations and other writeups you can go looking for.

5.4.2 IF ELSE

In many programming languages, although typically seen in C and C influenced ones, the IF ELSE construction is all important. The general idea is you can tell the computer to do something IF a given set of conditions is met but should they not be then do something ELSE with the two main forms it takes being a run of IF statements and a final ELSE (potentially slower but has uses) or more commonly a sequence of IF followed by ELSE and another IF followed again by another ELSE until the final ELSE. Either construction allows you check if one of a series of conditions has happened and act accordingly before either ending or returning to where it first started. In assembly this is a bit more complex and uses the branch instructions (usually conditional ones) instead but as the C family is quite close to assembly this is but a fairly minor abstraction.

5.4.3 Recursion

A prime example of the use of recursion is finding the factorial, this is so much so that it is usually the example used when teaching the concept and will probably be done here as well. If you are struggling to recall it then the factorial of a number is the number multiplied by each number before it until you hit 1 and is typically represented by having an exclamation mark after the number.

Here you have a starting value, do an operation and check to see if you need to do another before doing the operation again and checking once more and again and again19 until you get to the value you need.

If you recall back to OAM methods for moving a sprite (although it works almost as well for level data and positioning) you might want to move a sprite 4 pixels at a time until the amount of pixels moved totals 20 so as to create an illusion of movement (as opposed to a teleport) so here you would probably see the sprite OAM value(s) incremented by 4 either that used for an interrupt or a second function acting as a counter.

5.4.4 Iteration

Related to recursion is iteration. Here you might want to solve a problem and pick a “random” number before tweaking your initial value trying again until you get to the answer (or close enough). This is usually used where you have a fairly unknown problem or lack a simple method to do the job.

5.4.5 Loops

Picking which type of looping method you want to use is sometimes obvious and sometimes tricky. Now, as mentioned several times, C is very close to assembly so the game programmers are quite free to have not picked the most optimal method and indeed might well have picked a sub par one. Not so many hackers “fix” this but you can if you want as excessive use of the wrong type of loop can see a game crashing under certain conditions, or can see things like the battery drained faster than it should be.

You might have to pick your own if you have to do something like implement a variable width font. In a VFW hack because you no longer have a fixed distance to keep the glyphs apart you have to figure out the width and act accordingly until you get to the end of the line. Hopefully the text engine has at least provided the ability to wrap the lines but maybe not or maybe it did but having characters with a fixed width might have skipped over the “exact” value it was expecting (a multiple of 8 for instance) and it instead does not know what to do (say you had multiples of 7 which will not line up with multiples of 8 for some time).

5.4.6 Turing complete

Alan Turing is in many ways considered the father of modern computing and this is for good reason as he figured out a lot of the core concepts of computing; one of these core concepts his name was lent to is the ability to categorise computer languages as Turing complete which in short refers to a language/machine able to find the result to any computing problem given enough time and space. It is mentioned mainly as some games feature a measure of scripting and computation done at runtime which may have fair abilities but might lack features required to be classified as Turing complete, or if they do it is a kind of esoteric completion where certain features are abused to generate others (a variation on this might be how you can use logarithms for find the results of a multiplication or division using nothing but lookup and addition/subtraction). To this end it is usually best to avoid trying to do calculations in scripting languages that might be present in a game unless they are a recognised one like Python or Lua, languages which some games do use.

5.4.7 Fundamentals of Assembly

Assembly gets a full writeup wherein the GBA and DS are covered in great depth but to prevent that section from becoming bogged down with minutia some of the fundamental concepts are being covered here. Assembly language is usually characterised by the use of small usually three or four letter mnemonics to represent instructions as opposed to the more elaborate instructions and functions higher level languages afford. It gets to be quite different as you change architectures and systems but knowing the following will mean you know much of what underpins it all with many of the big differences coming in the fact that several instructions have various implementations on the processors covered here.

Timing Even on ARM, which shies away from the lengthy instructions (it is one of the core concepts of a “Reduced Instruction” Set Computing which Advanced Risc Machines specialise in), some instructions take multiple clock cycles to do so you have to account for this. Unlike the X86 stuff from PCs there is not much need to consider multithreading, instruction prediction and other such things which make timing calculations and coding to get the best speed that much more complex when dealing with X86/X64 processors (such features are why you are discouraged from simply comparing CPU speeds to determine the better processor).

GBAtek has more on the timings for instructions and if you recall the graphics section a lot of things on the DS operate in Vblank time in which there is just shy of 80000 cycles to get things done in before the next screen draw starts. To time things to such an occasion interrupts are used and vblank interrupt is one of the main ones used.

Interrupts It was mentioned a little while back but the general idea is you do not always want to be checking to see if something has happened so instead you use interrupts. There are various types with various priorities (the big ones being Vblank (for screen refresh), timer based, DMA (memory transfer), keypad press and further down the list and coming from an instruction is SWI (BIOS functions for things like decompression and division in the case of the GBA) and you can enable and set them at will.

DMA Direct Memory Access is a technique available to all modern systems that allows a transfer from one part of the memory to the other to be conducted independent of the CPU. It is essential as the CPU is very bandwidth limited even if you could afford to tie up the CPU with simple data transfer (the CPU is halted for the GBA and DS during this but it avoids having to lose or save and restore state information stored in the CPU). That said DS DMA and other memory transfer benchmarks for the curious.

Registers The fastest pieces of memory in any computer is almost always the registers. The trouble is they are limited in number, limited in size and quite often come with a list of provisos which will not be covered right now (ARM is fairly rational but X86 is less so at first glance and probably second glance as well). In the case of the GBA and DS the ARM7 ARM mode has 13 general purpose ones you can use for anything called R0 through R12 where THUMB mode is even more restricted and each mode has a selection of specific purpose ones too that are very useful and as the ARM7 is a 32 bit processor so each register is 32 bits although it does not always follow like that across computing.

However as no mainstream processor at time of writing is 128 bit in most senses of the definition and few have even an order of magnitude more registers than the lowly ARM720 it is fairly obvious you can do a great deal with said small registers and the relative handful of them you have to work with.

The term registers is also used to the specific parts of the GBA and DS memory that control various functions in the hardware and are not part of the CPU.

Types of instruction and how they work The following details various good things to know about instructions in general. A note at this stage is that the idea of an instruction is just that and things can be arranged in any order; generally it will be something like “instruction, destination register, source register, immediate value” give or take the source register as appropriate but this can change depending upon your assembler (certain assemblers aimed at a given family of processors as a whole do have favoured orders for things but again it is not set in silicon so to speak).

ARM The “main” mode of the DS and GBA processors, has the most access to everything of modes and the most powerful instructions for the most part.

Thumb The 16bit mode (although it can still access and process 32 bit registers and data) but has access to fewer registers and has several restrictions. Allows for smaller code and smaller access time penalties on things like the GBA 16 bit cart read bus and games frequently spend large portions of their runtime in THUMB mode.

Immediate values Instructions can carry values to use within the operation as part of themselves (MOV R1, #0x1F would store the value 1F in register R1)

Register values As seen above instructions can read from and to registers so it can be used to store values and use them as the basis for further instructions.

Memory values You will eventually want to write something to memory or read it from it into a register. On ARM processors this requires an additional instruction but some processors will allow memory locations to be read directly from the instruction.

SPSR and CPSR Program Status Registers are used to hold things relating to whether a value is signed, any carry values and other such things as well as being able to disable interrupts. CPSR is the current one where SPSR holds values in the case of an exception.

GBAtek has more as per usual.

PC, LR and SP Depending upon your assembly tools they will otherwise be known as R13, R14 and R15.

PC is the program counter and stores where the code is presently running from.

LR (link register) is used to hold where to jump back to if you branch away; make sure you note this if you branch and branch again which is a technique otherwise known as nesting functions.

SP is an optional (but quite advised to use) register to store where the stack (a section of memory used for the CPU to hold stuff when registers run out) is held and there is one for each CPU mode.

NOP Short for No-OPeration. It is not that useful in general operations although it would be missed if it went but ROM hackers find it immensely useful as it quite literally does nothing and replacing another instruction with it can be done in place without having to worry about some other code jumping from somewhere else and getting confused as you effectively just messed up the pointers. For instance if you had say a branch IF ELSE arrangement and you did not care for the IF part you could make it so it defaults to the ELSE instruction. There is no official NOP on the ARM processors so most read from a register back into the same register.

Push and Pop Although you can get stuff done with the 13 general registers you will run out and PUSH simply puts the contents into a portion of general memory (or sometimes cache depending upon the processor) called the stack and notes where it is whereas POP restores it. Quite often if you have to write your own new function you will PUSH everything out of the current registers, do what needs to be done and POP it all back in before jumping back to where it was before.

MOV There are a few variations in the ARM instruction set but in general it either copies the value from one register to another or sets a value in a register. One should note that unlike what MOV implies the original register is not cleared or anything and this applies to most processors.

Add Does what it is named for and either adds two registers together, adds a value to a register or in some cases/processors adds a value held in memory to the value in the register.

Subtract Much like add except it subtracts. It uses the Current Program Status Register (CPSR) to help with signed values and such.

Multiply Another instruction with an obvious use although there are several variations that allow you to do things like add value and then multiply and slightly more complex functions as well. Floating point multiplication if done on the CPU will require some thought and fixed point is not much better. It should be noted the ARM processors used lack a divide instruction although the DS and GBA provide abilities to do so in other parts of the hardware and there are other ways like log tables.

Branch The usage is twofold on the GBA and DS. The BX instruction by itself switches between ARM and THUMB modes but in general the branch instruction is used to trigger a jump to another piece of code (usually another function) to do something and then jump back after it has done what it needs to. The more useful branching instructions are be and bne which are branch if equal and branch if not equal.

Memory Load/Store Something of an ARM specific thing for processors like those in the x86 family can directly access memory in almost any instruction but the ARM processors need to manually load and store things using separate instructions. Generally they are referred to as LDR and STR with a few variations depending upon what you want to do.21

  1. the act of checking and checking is actually considered bad practice, it is better to make a loop that closes naturally if you can. If you can not (a more common occurrence) you set an interrupt that effectively does the checking for you without much in the way of a speed penalty and will chime in when the conditions are met.↩︎

  2. Although this is mainly focusing on the ARM processors as seen in the GBA and DS you might want to look at the rather extensive Software Developer Manuals Intel put out for their processors. ARM ones will be linked when they are discussed.↩︎

  3. There is a security measure present in Windows systems called ASLR (address space layout randomisation) which means many assembly using programs which naturally have to handle their own memory are in some ways considered insecure as the feature has to be disabled for these programs to run. Indeed it has been cited as one of the reasons the ability to do inline assembly (having small sections of your code in assembly when using a language like C) has been dropped from some newer development environments.↩︎