9.3 First Person Game

There are two main classes of games viewed from the first person.

  1. Those that attempt to use the DS 3d to make a game
  2. Those that use more conventional 2d animations

Naturally there are combinations of the two as seen in the platform type games which use 3d. The DS 3d is not terribly powerful though so some games opted to make more traditional style shooting gallery type games which were layers and sprites. Prerendered 3d backgrounds did feature and similar techniques seen in early dungeon crawling titles where the camera was moved from fixed point to fixed point or isometric imagery was possible but that is leaving first person.

A few GBA games (mainly ports of older Doom 1 era first person shooters and film tie in games doing similar things) did however use bitmap modes to try to do actual 3d and as a mode7 style perspective transformation was possible on the GBA (and DS) mode7 style methods could happen..